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WeBSurg and EATS Newsletter February 2008




 そしてまたすべてのEATSメンバーと会員登録をお考えの方に、EATSウェブサイト http://www.eats.fr 2008年1月18日〜19日にIRCAD-EITSで行われたアドバンスNOTESコースの新しいビデオとエキスパートのインタヴューがご覧になれます。NOTESに関するさらなる情報はこのニュースレターのEATS sectionをクリックして下さい。

ASIA IRCAD - Taiwan, 低侵襲外科の中心的施設として2008年3月26日にオープンします!

来る3月26日、 IRCAD (The Research Institute against Cancer of the Digestive Tract) はASIA IRCAD – Taiwan,の落成式を行います。 本施設は台湾の秀傳記念病院(Show Chwan Memorial Hospital)とIRCADとの有益なパートナーシップのおかげで台湾で新たに建築された、低侵襲外科の教育およびリサーチのためのトレーニングセンターとなります。このセンターはストラスブールのIRCAD-EITSと厳密に同等の科学的、技術的な質を提供し、さらにアジアの中心として素晴らしいアクセスを有しています。

ASIA IRCADには2つの存在意義があります。



最初のコースとして2008年3月27日から30日まで"intensive course in laparoscopic general surgery"が開催されます。2008年中にASIA IRCAD - Taiwanにおいてさらに6つのコースを開催する予定です。colorectal surgery, urological surgery, gynaecological surgery, and Natural Orifice Transluminal Endoscopic Surgery (NOTES)等を予定しております


今月の5本の New videos :

General and digestive surgery:

  • Laparoscopic total colectomy with partial proctectomy
  • Stenotic anastomosis after sigmoidectomy: laparoscopic redo
  • Laparoscopic redo fundoplication for a slipped Nissen
  • Completion gastrectomy by laparoscopic approach for cancer of the gastric stump


Gynecologic surgery:

  • Laparoscopic myomectomy after transitory clipping of the uterine arteries 


腹腔鏡泌尿器外科の1 New Operative Technique

Laparoscopic cystoprostatectomy for bladder cancer in a male patient - R van Velthoven (BE)
Radical cystectomy remains the gold standard for muscle invasive bladder cancer and high-risk superficial tumors resistant to intravesical treatment. Nevertheless, the laparoscopic cystoprostatectomy has rarely been well codified and illustrated.
PLease click here to access chapter description.

1 New Lecture on NOTES (Natural Orifice Transluminal Endoscopic Surgery)

このレクチャーは第3回2008年1月18日〜19日に開催されたNOTES Hands-on Course のライブレクチャービデオです。今回すべてのWeBSurgメンバーに無料でお届けします。

  • Next clinical steps and protocols -  N Soper (US)


Apply now for one of the following 2008 laparoscopic courses:

Digestive Surgery:

Intensive course in Laparoscopic General Surgery
February 4-8, 2008 FULL
March 10-14, 2008 FULL
May 19-23, 2008 FULL
September 22-26, 2008 FULL
December 8-12, 2008

Advanced Course in Laparoscopic Digestive Surgery
April 3-5, 2008
November 27-29, 2008

Advanced Course in Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery
June 27-28, 2008: Only option A is available
November 7-8, 2008

Advanced Course on NOTES (Natural Orifice Transluminal Endoscopic Surgery)
March 28-29, 2008: Only option A is available
June 6-7, 2008 Only option A is available
October 3-4, 2008 Only option A is available

Advanced Course in Interventional GI Endoscopy Techniques
July 3-5, 2008 Only option A is available

Pediatric Surgery:

Advanced Course in Pediatric Endosurgery
October 16-18, 2008

Urological Surgery:

Intensive Course in Laparoscopic Urological Surgery
June 9-13, 2008 FULL
December 1-5, 2008

Cours intensifs en Chirurgie Laparoscopique Urologique
October 6-10, 2008

Advanced Course in Laparoscopic Urological Surgery: Laparoscopic Treatment of Kidney Tumors
April 24-26, 2008

International Advanced Symposium: Laparoscopic Treatment of Urological Pelvic Cancers: Prostate and Bladder
September 18-20, 2008

Gynecologic Surgery:

Gynecologic Surgery: Tips and tricks, anatomy suture and more...
March 25-27, 2008 FULL

Advanced Techniques in Operative Gynecological Endoscopy
May 5-7, 2008 FULL

Gynecological Cancer and Laparoscopic Approach: State of the Art
June 23-25, 2008

Current Techniques in the Treatment of Severe Endometriosis
September 8-10, 2008

Techniques Avancées en Endoscopie Gynécologique Opératoire
December 15-17, 2008

2008 IRCAD-EITS コースのEuropean CME(Continuing Medical Education)認定について

IRCAD-EITS courses are accredited by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME) to provide the CME activities for medical specialists in their home European Country.

The EACCME is an institution of the European Union of Medical Specialists (UEMS).

2008年のEITSコースプログラムでのそれぞれのCME creditsの割り当てを確認するにはhereをクリックして下さい。


IRCAD-EITS は以下の2008 meetingsに参加します:

IRCAD-EITS-WeBSurg will be present as an exhibitor hosted by Karl Storz and will be happy to welcome you at the forthcoming events:

  • SAGES 2008 Annual Scientific Meeting, Pennsylvania Convention Center, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA (April 9-12, 2008)
  • 16th International Congress of the European Association for Endoscopic Surgery (EAES), Stockholm, Sweden (June 11-14, 2008)
  • 11th World Congress of Endoscopic Surgery, Yokohama, Japan (September 2-5, 2008)
  • 2008 Annual Clinical Congress of the ACS, San Francisco, California, USA (October 12-16, 2008)




The 30th International Congress of the European Hernia Society will be taking place in Sevilla, Spain, from the 7th to the 10th of May 2008.

For further details, click here.

New exclusive content in N.O.T.E.S. for all EATS members and those to be!


1300名を超えるメンバーと共にNatural Orifice Transluminal Endoscopic Surgeryの発展を分かち合えることが出来、喜ばしく思います。今回、2008年1月18日、19日に行われた第3回NOTES Advanced Course での新しいビデオ、レクチャー、エキスパートインタビュー、そして参加者たちの生の声をお届けいたします!どうぞEATSウェブサイトをcheckして頂き、新しいNOTESコンテンツをお楽しみ下さい。



 もしEATS会員の証明書が必要であれば、www.eats.frから直接発行しております。必ず、log inした後に会員証明のセクションをご覧下さい。

For our eighth EATS issue:

2本の new videos:

  • Transvaginal hybrid NOTES sleeve gastrectomy - M Vix, C Solano, M Asakuma (FR)
  • Gastric access and closure: a safe approach paving the way to clinical applications - L Swanström (US)

3本の new lectures:

  • Next clinical steps and protocols -  N Soper (US)
  • NOTES right colectomy with transrectal and transgastric access - L Swanström (US)
  • NOTES cholecystectomy: initial clinical experience - B Dallemagne (FR)

N Soper (US)

2 参加者たちの生の声:
From the floor:
In this first video footage, enjoy the spirit of one day at the course: get a real feel and thrill of the course conveyed by spot-on interviews of participants and experts!

From the lab:
In this second footage, get into THE lab experience: experiment the lab as it is on a hands-on training session!

New reading suggestions: please check our update!


IRCAD-EITSでの次回以降のNatural Orifice Transluminal Endoscopic Surgeryコースプログラムにご参加を!

Calendar for 2008 NOTES courses at IRCAD-EITS:

  • March 28-29, 2008: Only option A is available 
  • June 6-7, 2008 Only option A is available
  • October 3-4, 2008 Only option A is available

Option A limited to 50 participants
Option B limited to 34 participants

Due to the enormous success of the first, second, and third NOTES Hands-on courses, priority will be given to people that are on the waiting list and to EATS members. This will operate on a first come, first served basis.


CME Accreditation of NOTES courses

MAINCERT and AMA Category 1 CME credits available for the 2008 NOTES courses:

8.75 credits (option A)
25.25 credits (option B)

12 European CME credits (ECMEC) are also available. These credits have been provided by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME), institution of the European Union of Medical Specialists (UEMS).



ご意見承っております。e-mail (info@eats.fr)またはwebmaster@websurg.com までよろしくお願いします。

Yours faithfully,

President of IRCAD/EITS
President of EATS
WeBSurg Editor-in-Chief

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Copyright © EATS® 2007 - All rights reserved