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WeBSurg and EATS Newsletter November 2007


 2007年11月の会報へようこそ。我々は、www.websurg.comの上であなたに外科的手技の新しいビデオを提供することが出来、喜ばしく思います。我々は、新しい講義とIRCAD-EITSで撮影されたエキスパートのインタビューをリリースすることが出来、満足でもあります。それは、産婦人科コースの「Current Techniques in the Treatment of Severe Endometriosis 」(2007年9月10〜12日)、と泌尿器科コースの「Laparoscopic Treatment of Kidney Tumors 」(2007年9月14〜15日)です。



すべてのWeBSurgメンバーは、今月リリースされる無料の独占的な情報について知るために、NewsletterのEATS sectionをチェックすることをお奨めします。

 例外的に、そして、1ヵ月だけの間、2nd International NOTES Hands-on Course の、録音された講義、ライブデモンストレーション、世論と専門家のインタビューは、すべてのwebsurgメンバーに利用できます。あなたがNOTESで最新の情報をえるたEATSウェブサイト上で利用できるすべてのNOTES関連のメディアへのアクセスを常にしたいと思うならば、http://www.eats.fr.で購読してください

今月の6本の New videos

General and digestive surgery:

  • Redo bariatric surgery: laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding (LAGB) converted to Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB)
  • Three trocar technique for laparoscopic left colectomy for cancer: difficult mobilization of the splenic flexurein an obese patient
  • Diverticulitis: laparoscopic sigmoidectomy with preservation of superior rectal vessels

Endocrine surgery:

  • Minimally invasive video-assisted right parathyroidectomy for hyperparathyroidism  

Gynecological surgery:

  • Laparoscopic treatment for deep endometriosis

Urological surgery:

  • Laparoscopic treatment of genitourinary prolapse 

腹腔鏡下産婦人科手術の1 本のnew short lecture : "Current Techniques in the Treatment of Severe Endometriosis"

  • To resect or not to resect the bowel in case of severe endometriosis – M Müller (CH)



腹腔鏡下泌尿器科手術の4 本のnew short lectures:" Laparoscopic Treatment of Kidney Tumors"

  • Retroperitoneal access – A Hoznek (FR)
  • Hand-assisted laparoscopic urology: current status – A Rane (UK)
  • Place of laparoscopic approach in the treatment of kidney tumors – A Mejean (FR)
  • Carcinologic results: comparison with open surgery – A Mejean (FR)


大血管外科のNew Expert Interviews !

Aortoliac Surgery
P Stadler (CZ), P Remy (BE), L Chiche (FR)


Come and Attend our Course Programs in Laparoscopic Surgery!

You can now register and pay online!

Apply for one of the few remaining places left in the following 2007 courses:

Intensive Course in Laparoscopic General Surgery FULL
November 19-23, 2007


Advanced Course in Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery
November 16-17, 2007: Only option A is available

Intensive Course in Laparoscopic Urological Surgery FULL
December 3-7, 2007

Techniques Avancées en Endoscopie Gynécologique Opératoire
December 10-12, 2007


2008年のEITS courses の予定

Apply now for one of the following 2008 laparoscopic courses:

Digestive Surgery:

Intensive course in Laparoscopic General Surgery
February 4-8, 2008 FULL
March 10-14, 2008 FULL
May 19-23, 2008
September 22-26, 2008
December 8-12, 2008

Advanced Course in Laparoscopic Digestive Surgery
April 3-5, 2008
November 27-29, 2008

Advanced Course in Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery
June 27-28, 2008
November 7-8, 2008

Advanced Course on NOTES (Natural Orifice Transluminal Endoscopic Surgery)
January 18-19, 2008: Only option A is available
March 28-29, 2008: Only option A is available
June 6-7, 2008
October 3-4, 2008

Advanced Course in Interventional GI Endoscopy Techniques
July 3-5, 2008

Pediatric Surgery:

Advanced Course in Pediatric Endosurgery
October 16-18, 2008

Urological Surgery:

Intensive Course in Laparoscopic Urological Surgery
June 9-13, 2008
December 1-5, 2008

Cours intensifs en Chirurgie Laparoscopique Urologique
January 21-25, 2008
October 6-10, 2008

Advanced Course in Laparoscopic Urological Surgery: Laparoscopic Treatment of Kidney Tumors
April 24-26, 2008

International Advanced Symposium: Laparoscopic Treatment of Urological Pelvic Cancers: Prostate and Bladder
September 18-20, 2008

Gynecologic Surgery:

Gynecologic Surgery: Tips and tricks, anatomy suture and more...
March 25-27, 2008

Advanced Techniques in Operative Gynecological Endoscopy
May 5-7, 2008

Gynecological Cancer and Laparoscopic Approach: State of the Art
June 23-25, 2008

Current Techniques in the Treatment of Severe Endometriosis
September 8-10, 2008

Techniques Avancées en Endoscopie Gynécologique Opératoire
December 15-17, 2008

New exclusive content in N.O.T.E.S. for all EATS members and those to be!

WeBSurg and EATSだけで見られるNOTES関連のコンテンツを配信します!

去る10月12日、13日にIRCAD-EITSで開催された2nd International NOTES hands-On Course の模様をNOTESの最新の進歩を全てのメンバーと分かち合うべく、その内容を無料で公開する機会を設けることとしました。特に、講義、ライブデモ、そして専門家のインタビューが一ヶ月の間視聴可能です。是非、この機会にNOTESコースの雰囲気を感じて下さい。

natural orificeからの治療は目標臓器への直接の到達、痛みの全くない手術、最小限の回復期間、を可能にする可能性を秘めています。

コースの”know-how and show-how ”!


For our fifth EATS issue:

New Lectures for NOTES: 

  • History of NOTES - J Marescaux (FR)
  • Closure with suturing methods - M Bergström (SE)
  • Gastrojejunostomy - PO Park (SE)
  • New generation of endoscopes and platforms for NOTES surgery - L Swanström (USA) Update of the October lecture
  • Endoscopic suturing: incoming - J Marks (USA)
  • Physiology of NOTES - J Marks (USA)
  • Transgastric NOTES cholecystectomy: Phase I efficacy and outcomes trial - L Swanström (USA)
  • Robotics and NOTES  - R Satava (USA)

Brand-New Expert Interviews for NOTES:

M Bergström (SE), H Feussner (DE), J Hochberger (DE), J Marks (USA), R Satava (USA), D Rattner (USA), C Thompson (USA), J Correia-Pinto (PT), M Ryou (USA), J Mamazza (CAN).

Among the many topics covered, magnets used for gravity and retraction, evolution of NOTES, transcolonic access update, from GI endoscopy to surgery, and a few others.

New Live Videos for NOTES:
コースのライブデモをご覧にないたい方は ここをクリックして下さい。

Vox populi: Interviews of participants to recapture the vivid atmosphere of the experimental lab hands-on sessions, and of the course in general


IRCAD-EITSでの次回以降のNatural Orifice Transluminal Endoscopic Surgeryコースプログラムにご参加を!

Calendar for 2008 NOTES courses at IRCAD-EITS:

  • January 18-19, 2008: Only option A is available
  • March 28-29, 2008: Only option A is available 
  • June 6-7, 2008
  • October 3-4, 2008

Option A limited to 50 participants
Option B limited to 34 participants

Due to the enormous success of the first NOTES course, priority will be given to people that are on the waiting list and to EATS members. This will operate on a first come, first served basis.

Please click here to download registration form.



ご意見承っております。e-mail(info@eats.fr)またはwebmaster@websurg.com までよろしくお願いします。

Yours faithfully,

President of IRCAD/EITS
President of EATS

Copyright © WebSurg® All rights reserved     ISSN-1778-3852
Copyright © EATS® 2007 - All rights reserved