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4 new HD videos available for download
Due to the high costs of running such a HD service, the downloads are available for a small fee of only 9.95€ or 14.95$ for each video.
This financial participation makes it possible to handle the running costs of High Definition equipment.
Please click here to access the list of these videos |
- Unusual voluminous inflammatory diverticulum of the sigmoid colon: laparoscopic management (26 min)
- Laparoscopic redo Nissen for recurrent GERD not responding to PPIs (9 min)
- Laparoscopic colorectal resection for anastomotic stricture following reversal of Hartmann's procedure (16 min)
- Laparoscopic total colectomy with the new 5mm Ligasure Blunt Tip® device (21 min)
本月9 部全新视频
- Laparoscopic approach for a T3 cancer of the colorectal junction
- Identification of the left ureter during an acute sigmoiditis with sidewall fixation
- Laparoscopic splenectomy following an embolic septic abscess in a young patient
- Laparoscopic hysterectomy: removal of a large (1300g) uterus
- Laparoscopic myomectomy: tips 'n tricks
- Laparoscopic total hysterectomy and bilateral pelvic lymphadenectomy for endometrial cancer
- Combined endoscopic and laparoscopic transgastric single port (Triport) access for a gastric tumor
- Endoscopic extraction of a giant common bile duct stone
- Tips 'n tricks: successful ERCP in the presence of periampullary diverticula
如果你希望把视频上传给我们, 请点击这里
本月的 全新的评论与分析 是关于 胃绑带术后腹腔镜下R-Y短路手术 评论者 Dr. Kelvin HIGA, MD, FACS, FASMBS - Advanced Laparoscopic Surgery Associates (ALSA), Fresno Medical Group, Inc., Fresno, CA, United States
本月视频: "胃绑带术后腹腔镜下R-Y短路手术" - F Costantino, J Marescaux (FR) |
3 部关于腹腔镜普通和消化外科讲座
- Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy technique – J Himpens (BE)
- Results of laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding – M Suter (CH)
- DaVinci robot-assisted surgery for colorectal cancer – YA Park (KR)
2 全新 妇科讲座
- Global results of severe endometriosis – P Trompoukis (GR)
- An endometriosis classification, designed to be validated – A Ussia (IT)
充分享用另外的 在线手术讲堂 资源 妇科: 关于严重子宫内膜异位征 治疗技术- Dr. Arnaud WATTIEZ, MD -- 提高手术技术!
充分享用另外的 在线手术讲堂 资源,提高手术技术!
点击 这里 购买本部腹腔镜结直肠手术教学课程
点击 这里 购买本部腹腔镜妇科手术教学课程
CME活动重回WeBSurg!!! 26部网络课程 被European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME), an Institution of the European Union of Medical Specialists (EUMS)审核通过: 网上就能提高您的外科手术技能,并免费获得CME积分!
EACCME 审核通过了26 部WeBSurg 网络教育课程,有效期2年.
你可以参加 26部课程后的小测验并获得免费的欧洲远程教育积分。
IRCAD 完美的微创手术培训中心: 现在就注册学习提高自己手术技术
欧洲培训中心: 位于斯特拉斯堡的IRCAD-EITS
CME 学分、AMA1类学分, MAINCERT学分以及European CME学分都将被认证及授予。
点击 这里 进一步了解培训中心及课程信息
2011年课程注册已经开放, 请点击这里进入课程列表
巴西圣保罗IRCAD预览: 提前目睹南美洲IRCAD的样貌!
要特别感谢我们的合作伙伴 (HOSPITAL DE CANCER DE BARRETOS),Henrique Prata和他的团队使得建设工作顺利进行。
未来几月内我们旧可以对这个培训中心进行鸟瞰,现在可以通过照片来先睹为快。很快我们就可以为您提供南美IRCAD全新的2011年课程目录。 |
点击这里看照片(已更新) |
Upcoming conferences in 2011
The IRCAD-EITS and WeBSurg will be present as an exhibitor hosted by Karl Storz and will be happy to welcome you at the forthcoming events:
- SAGES Annual Meeting and 13th World Congress of Endoscopic Surgery, San Antonio, TX, USA (March 30-April 2, 2011)
- 19th EAES Congress, Torino, Italy (June 15-18, 2011)
- American College of Surgeons (ACS) 97th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA (October 23-27, 2011)
New exclusive content in N.O.T.E.S. for all EATS members and those to be!
2010 12月EATS全新奉献:
2 部新讲座:
- Splenectomy: NOTES or Single Port? - E Targarona (ES)
- NOTES or Single Port? What is the goal? - L Swanström (US)
新导读: Updated monthly
By becoming an EATS member, you will take full advantage of our exclusive NOTES content on www.eats.fr, as well as other membership rights. |
来参加下一次NOTES IRCAD课程 - FRANCE (Strasbourg) and IRCAD TAIWAN
2011课程:NO-SCAR ,无疤痕外科: NOTES 单孔外科
选项A 限50位参加
选项B 限34位参加
点击 这里 注册报名
台湾IRCAD 2009年NOTES培训课程时间表:
点击这里 了解进一步信息 |
我们期待收到您对我们的评论和意见! 联系方式:EATS的请点击 这里 , WeBSurg请点击这里
Prof. Jacques MARESCAUX, MD, Hon FRCS, FACS |