Welcome to our June 2019 Newsletter.
This month’s focus is dedicated to pediatric surgery and features an extensive selection of lectures extracted from the IRCAD advanced course in Pediatric surgery laparoscopy in newborns, infants & children (March 14-16, 2019).
Thanks for your support and devotion. Enjoy your learning experience on WebSurg!
Your feedback is always appreciated. Please contact us here.
Yours faithfully, Prof. Jacques Marescaux, MD, FACS, Hon FRCS, Hon JSES, Hon FASA President of IRCAD
Chairman of the Institute of Image-Guided Surgery WebSurg Editor-in-Chief
In order to improve your browsing experience on WebSurg, our IT team has added a new option to fine-tune the results page.
You can now filter results according to your fields of interest (ex. gynecology or pediatric surgery). You just need to click on the Off button at the top left of the results page.
From now on, you will only see results in your favorite specialties.
You can remove this new filter at any time: click on the same button again to display all results.
The WebSurg hall of fame is now closed. Make sure to check your emails if your video contribution was published before June 2019: you might be the lucky winner for the 2019 edition of our hall of fame contest.
The winner will be announced in our July newsletter. If you could not to participate, do not worry! You can always send your video contributions for the next hall of fame contest, which starts in July 2019.
Leverage your skills with a series of educational videos, which will lead the way to your learning objectives.
Make the most of our experts' state-of-the-art presentations on therapeutic management modalities.
The IRCAD-EITS and WebSurg will be present as an exhibitor hosted by Karl Storz at the forthcoming events: