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WeBSurg 2011年9月通讯专刊



另外,我们为您准备了4部全新的HD高清视频,您仅用每部9.95€ 或14.95$就可选择下载!


本月12 部全新视频


  • Laparoscopic resection of a retroperitoneal schwannoma
  • Laparoscopic management of sealed gallbladder perforation
  • Laparoscopic repair of post-traumatic diaphragmatic hernia with mesh insertion
  • Laparoscopic sigmoidectomy for acute diverticulitis: medial approach with extensive IMV dissection
  • Laparoscopic proctectomy with ileoanal anastomosis for inflammatory bowel disease


  •  Emergency colonic stenting for acute malignant obstruction


  •  Laparoscopic transperitoneal nephrectomy for nephroblastoma


  • Arthroscopic dorsal capsuloligamentous repair and arthroscopic TFCC suture
  • Arthroscopic Wafer procedure: abrasion of the distal ulnar head in ulnocarpal conflicts


  • Laparoscopic anterior uterine ligamentopexy: standard technique
  • Laparoscopic vaginal endometriotic nodule resection and bowel discoid resection for endometriosis


  •  Left pheochromocytoma: laparoscopic vascular approach



每部视频下载费用仅为9.95€ 或14.95$。


为使您对于高画质影像有所了解,您可以免费下载一部试看: T3, N+, M0 结肠癌全腹腔镜下右半结肠切除术

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  • Laparoscopic distal splenopancreatectomy for mucinous tumor (16 min)
  • Anastomotic redo after open subtotal TME for rectal cancer: laparoscopic pelvic resection with coloanal anastomosis  (24 min)
  • Posterior approach to laparoscopic left adrenalectomy including virtual reality simulation (30 min)
  • Fully laparoscopic right colectomy for caecal cancer in an obese patient  (16 min)



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1 全新评论与分析 -- 腹腔镜消化外科

4 全新讲座 腹腔镜消化外科

  •  TEM: new possibilities for an old technology - P Sylla (US)
  • Transanal endoscopic TME with laparoscopic assistance for rectal cancer - P Sylla (US)
  • Approaches for laparoscopic right colectomy - M Whiteford (US)
  • Laparoscopic TME for rectal cancer - M Whiteford (US)

6 全新讲座 关节镜外科

  • Arthroscopic-assisted scapholunate ligament reconstruction for chronic SL instability - PC Ho (HK)
  • Arthroscopic management of scapholunate ligament tears - C Mathoulin (FR)
  • Surgical treatment of scaphoid fractures with arthroscopic control - X Martinache (FR)
  • Arthroscopic reduction of intra-articular distal radius fractures: practical explanations, tips and tricks - JM Cognet (FR)
  • Complications of wrist arthroscopy, a survey of 10,107 cases - C Leclercq (FR)
  • Round table: Surgical staff facing a complex clinical case: midcarpal instability after scaphoid fracture in a young patient: what can we do? - C Leclercq (FR), S Berner (US), D Fernandez (CH), J Garret (FR), M Haerle (DE), P Cheong-Ho (HK), T Lindau (GB), C Mathoulin (FR), J Messina (IT), T Nakamura (JP), F Del Pinal (ES), C Rizzo (FR), L Obert (FR), L van Overstraeten (BE)

6 全新讲座 外科解剖

  • Treatment strategy for petroclival meningiomas - H Van Loveren (US)
  • Pterional FTOZ vs. FTOZ keyhole - H Van Loveren (US)
  • Endoscopic anatomy of the skull base - A Rhoton (US)
  • Surgical anatomy of the craniocervical junction - A Rhoton (US)
  • Surgical anatomy of the petrous bone - A Rhoton (US)
  • Bypass surgery, state of the art - L Regli (NL)

2 全新讲座 内镜外科

  • ESD: which injection liquid and knife I use, when and how? - N Yahagi (JP)
  • Based on the data analysis and the guidelines, which are the respective indications of ablation therapy, EMR, ESD and surgery in the stomach? - N Yahagi (JP)

8 部全新腹腔镜外科手术的在线大师课程供下载- 提高您的手术技术!


Laparoscopic surgery for GERD - B Dallemagne, MD

Surgical treatment for morbid obesity - M Vix, MD

Laparoscopic colorectal surgery - J Leroy, MD, FRCS

Laparoscopic right colectomy - J Leroy, MD, FRCS

Laparoscopic approach for gynecological cancer and benign conditions - A Wattiez, MD

Current techniques in the treatment of severe endometriosis, volume 1 - A Wattiez, MD

Current techniques in the treatment of severe endometriosis, volume 2 - A Wattiez, MD

New insights in prolapse surgery: vaginal and laparoscopic routes - A Wattiez, MD

CME活动重回WeBSurg!!! 26部网络课程 被European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME), an Institution of the European Union of Medical Specialists (EUMS)审核通过

EACCME 审核通过了26 部WeBSurg 网络教育课程,有效期2年.

你可以参加 26部课程后的小测验并获得免费的欧洲远程教育积分。

IRCAD 完美的微创手术培训中心:注册学习提高您的手术技术

欧洲培训中心: 位于斯特拉斯堡的IRCAD-EITS

CME 学分、AMA1类学分, MAINCERT学分以及European CME学分都将被认证及授予。



2011年课程注册已经开放, 请点击这里进入课程列表

巴西IRCAD 开幕典礼

巴西IRCAD已经成为现实。7月9日巴西IRCAD开幕典礼隆重举行。出席嘉宾有KARL STORZ官员,拉丁美洲成人教育官员,Covidien公司代表,巴西和法国政府官员,包括法国总统健康顾问Arnold Munnich以及法国议员斯特拉斯堡市长Roland Ries先生。

所有巴西IRCAD的课程都将与法国IRCAD、台湾IRCAD同步,由Jacques Marescaux教授和他的团队以及国际专家团授课。

在此要感谢我们的合作伙伴(HOSPITAL DE CANCER DE BARRETOS) ,院长Henrique Prata 先生和他的团队,在他们的帮助下这个计划才能实现得如此成功。

想一睹巴西IRCAD风采,请参阅 画廊

请点击 这里 查看课程安排。

点击 这里 看照片 。


IRCAD-EITS和WeBSurg将出席由 Karl Storz 赞助的各类国际会议,期待您的光临: 

  • American College of Surgeons (ACS) 97th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA (October 23-27, 2011)

New exclusive content in N.O.T.E.S. for all EATS members and those to be!



2011 9月EATS 内容:

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来参加下一次NOTES IRCAD课程 IRCAD 法国 (Strasbourg) 、 IRCAD台湾、IRCAD巴西

IRCAD -法国(Strasbourg):

 2011课程:NO-SCAR ,无疤痕外科: NOTES 单孔外科

选项A 限50位参加 
选项B 限34位参加 

点击 这里 注册报名

 IRCAD - 巴西:
十一月 9-11, 2011



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