General and digestive surgery:
- Laparoscopic ileocecal resection in Crohn's disease: right hemicolectomy
- Laparoscopic management of Dormia basket impaction
- PEG tube fixation of sigmoid volvulus
- Laparoscopic robotic-assisted approach to pancreatoduodenectomy
Tips n' Tricks:
- IMA and IMV dissection with Ligasure Advance
- Pelvic TME dissection in a woman with LigaSure Advance
Endocrine surgery:
- Laparoscopic treatment of an incidental left adrenal mass
- Mediastinal parathyroidectomy performed by video-assisted mediastinal surgery through an intercostal window
Urological surgery:
- Laparoscopic robotic-assisted treatment of vesicouterine fistula
ストラスブールとIRCAD-EITSトレーニングセンターを繋ぐ新たなHDリンクシステムのおかげで、WeBSurgメンバーにHigh Definitionビデオのダウンロードサービスを開始することが可能になりました。HDサービスの運営に関するコストを考慮して、一本につき、9.95€もしくは14.95$となります。(9月1日時点でのレート計算です。)ぜひお試し頂き、手術疑似体験をお楽しみ下さい!
- Laparoscopic TME in a female patient (21 min 54)
- Laparoscopic right colectomy for cancer: vascular problem during the anastomosis (27 min 80)
- Laparoscopic cholecystectomy using micro-instrumentation including monopolar and bipolar 2mm cautery (9 min 25)
- Laparoscopic resection of a hepatocellular carcinoma within segment IVa of the liver (8 min)
- Laparoscopic treament of an appendicular mucocele (5 min)
- Totally laparoscopic reversal of Hartmann's procedure (15 min)
- Laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication: a stepwise standard approach (13 min 30)
- TME with LigaSure Advance: coloanal anastomosis on the J-pouch after failed closure of the rectal stump (24 min 42)
Is fistulous disease a contraindication to laparoscopic resection in Crohn's disease? - B Salky (US) |
New エキスパートインタヴュー on treatment of type 2 diabetes, clinical applications of Single Incisional Laparoscopic Surgery (SILS), colorectal surgery and NOTES
2008年のEITSコース年間予定: Click here and apply for one of the courses! |
New 2009年のEITSコース年間予定: 来年のコースに、here をクリックして参加して下さい! |
ASIA IRCAD - TAIWAN: 2008 course calendar and corresponding CME accreditation
ASIA IRCAD - TAIWAN: 2009年年間予定 : Click here and apply for one of the courses! |
IRCAD-EITSは以下の2008 meetings:に参加します。
IRCAD-EITS-WeBSurg will be present as an exhibitor hosted by Karl Storz and will be happy to welcome you at the forthcoming events:
- 11th World Congress of Endoscopic Surgery, Yokohama, Japan (September 2-5, 2008)
- 2008 Annual Clinical Congress of the ACS, San Francisco, California, USA (October 12-16, 2008)
New exclusive content in N.O.T.E.S. for all EATS members and those to be!
オンライン登録メンバーは2000名を超えました!これを記念し、2008年6月6-7日に行われたNOTESアドヴァンスドコースの模様をお届けします。ぜひEATSウェブサイトをチェックして頂き最新のNOTES情報を楽しんでください! |
Register now for the first NOTES course at the ASIA-IRCAD in Taiwan (10th to 12th of September, 2008). Find the course program and registration details here.
For our fourteenth EATS issue:
1 New lecture :
Unique instrumentation for NOTES from devices to computer-driven endoscopes - B Dunkin (US)
1 New video:
NOTES approach to lymphatic mapping in the sigmoid mesocolon - R Cahill, S Perretta, B Dallemagne, J Marescaux (FR) |
New expert debates:
Debate between D SCOTT and M ANVARI:
Do you have any idea as to why magnetic devices have never been applied before in conventional or laparoscopic surgery?
Debates between C ROLANDA and B DUNKIN:
Are there any risks associated with the use of multiple ports in NOTES?
Do multiple accesses lead to a multiplied rate of complications?
New reading suggestions: please check our update!
By becoming an EATS member, you will take full advantage of our exclusive NOTES content on www.eats.fr, as well as other membership rights. |
IRCAD-EITSでの次回以降のNatural Orifice Transluminal Endoscopic Surgeryコースプログラムにご参加を!
Calendar for 2008 NOTES courses at IRCAD-EITS:
October 3-4, 2008 Only option A is available
Option A limited to 50 participants
Option B limited to 34 participants
First International Symposium and Advanced Course in NOTES at ASIA IRCAD - TAIWAN Training Center:
From Endoluminal to Transluminal Surgery
September 10-12, 2008
For further details, click here
Advanced Course in NOTES on July 3-4, 2009! |
Due to the enormous success of the first four NOTES Hands-on courses, priority will be given to people that are on the waiting list and to EATS members. This will operate on a first come, first served basis.
Please click here to download registration form. |
CME Accreditation of NOTES courses
MAINCERT and AMA Category 1 CME credits™ available for the 2008 NOTES courses:
8.75 credits (option A)
25.25 credits (option B) |
12 European CME credits (ECMEC) are also available. These credits have been provided by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME), institution of the European Union of Medical Specialists (UEMS). |
ご意見承っております。e-mail info@eats.fr または webmaster@websurg.com までよろしくお願いします。 |
Yours faithfully,
President of IRCAD/EITS
President of EATS
WeBSurg Editor-in-Chief |