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WeBSurg and EATS Newsletter October 2007

Dear member,
ニュースレター 2007 10月号へようこそ。websurg(www.websurg.com)において新しいビデオが見れます。また、2007年6月4~6日に行われた Interventional GI endoscopy Techniques" コースと、2007年6月8~9日に行われたAdvanced Course in Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery の新しい授業やエキスパートのインタビューも見られます。

EATSメンバーとメンバーになろうとしている方も、EATS websiteにおいて新しいコンテンツを見ることが出来ます。

4本の新しいショートレクチャー 治療的上部消化管内視鏡

  • Endoscopic full-thickness resection, fistula repair and gastro-jejunostomy using the plicator – R Chuttani (USA)
  • Tumors of the esophagus: role of therapeutic management – J Riemann (DE)
  • Common bile duct stone in the elderly patient: just endoscopic! – J Riemann (DE)
  • Flexible endoscopic myotomy: the treatment of Zenker’s diverticulum – P Eisendrath (DE)

4本の新しいショートレクチャー 腹腔鏡大腸外科

  • Can colonic tumours be staged accurately? – G Brown (UK)
  • The importance of extramural venous invasion detected by MRI – G Brown (UK)
  • Laparoscopic TME: long-term results – M Li (HK)
  • Laparoscopic treatment of postoperative complications of laparoscopic colorectal surgery – F Corcione (IT)


General and digestive surgery:

  • Laparoscopic resection of the 1st portion of duodenum for a gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST)
  • Laparoscopic resection of the 3rd and 4th portion of duodenum for a gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST
  • Splenectomy by laparoscopic posterior lateral approach for idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP): selective vascular control
  • Rolling (paraesophageal) hiatal hernia treatment in an 80-year-old male patient


  • Heller procedure for achalasia
  • Laparoscopic TME for rectal cancer in a male patient: an ideal case to start 
  • Transabdominal pre-peritoneal (TAPP) repair of Amyand's hernia in a 72-year-old man
  • Micro-instrumentation for minimally invasive cholecystectomy: surgical technique


新しい専門家インタヴュー 泌尿器科と婦人科!

Urological Surgery
A Rane (UK), D Burke (UK), A Mejean (FR), J Hubert (FR)

Gynecologic Surgery 
E McVeigh (UK), M Müller (CH), F Zullo (IT)


フランス大統領のニコラ・サルコジ大統領が、彼の就任4ヶ月目にあたる9月6日にIRCAD(Research Institute against Digestive Cancer) をジャック・マレスコー教授の案内のもと訪問しました。訪問のテーマは リサーチ、イノヴェーション、ロボティックス、新しい外科技術の最先端 です。ここで2008年3月に台湾で公式に開設されるIRCADの双子とも言える ASIA-IRCAD のPresident Min-Ho Huang先生が大統領に紹介されました

Click here for slide shows and videos


Come and Attend our Course Programs in Laparoscopic Surgery!

You can now register and pay online!

Apply for one of the few remaining places left in the following 2007 courses:

Intensive Course in Laparoscopic General Surgery FULL
November 19-23, 2007

Advanced Course in Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery
November 16-17, 2007: Places left only for option A

Intensive Course in Laparoscopic Urological Surgery FULL
December 3-7, 2007


Techniques Avancées en Endoscopie Gynécologique Opératoire
December 10-12, 2007

Second International NOTES Hands-On Course (Natural Orifice Transluminal Endoscopic Surgery)
October 12-13, 2007: Places left only for option A

Advanced Course: Videosurgery in Pediatric Urology FULL
October 25-27, 2007


Apply now for one of the following 2008 courses:

Intensive course in Laparoscopic General Surgery
February 4-8, 2008
March 10-14, 2008
May 19-23, 2008
September 22-26, 2008
December 8-12, 2008

Intensive Course in Laparoscopic Urological Surgery
June 9-13, 2008
December 1-5, 2008

Cours intensifs en Chirurgie Laparoscopique Urologique
January 21-25, 2008
October 6-10, 2008

Advanced Course in Laparoscopic Digestive Surgery
April 3-5, 2008
November 27-29, 2008

Advanced Course in Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery
June 27-28, 2008
November 7-8, 2008

Advanced Course in Interventional GI Endoscopy Techniques
July 3-5, 2008


Advanced Course on NOTES (Natural Orifice Transluminal Endoscopic Surgery)
January 18-19, 2008 Only option A is available
March 28-29, 2008 Limited amount of space for both options
June 6-7, 2008
October 3-4, 2008

Advanced Course in Laparoscopic Urological Surgery: Laparoscopic Treatment of Kidney Tumors
April 24-26, 2008

International Advanced Symposium: Laparoscopic Treatment of Urological Pelvic Cancers: Prostate and Bladder
September 18-20, 2008

Advanced Course in Pediatric Endosurgery
October 16-18, 2008

Gynecologic Surgery: Tips and tricks, anatomy suture and more...
March 25-27, 2008

Advanced Techniques in Operative Gynecological Endoscopy
May 5-7, 2008

Gynecological Cancer and Laparoscopic Approach: State of the Art
June 23-25, 2008

Current Techniques in the Treatment of Severe Endometriosis
September 8-10, 2008

Techniques Avancées en Endoscopie Gynécologique Opératoire
December 15-17, 2008

93rd Annual Clinical Congress of the American College of Surgeons

New Orleans, Louisiana, USA (October 7-11, 2007)

IRCAD-EITS-WeBSurg will be present as an exhibitor hosted by Karl Storz and will be happy to welcome you at this meeting.

WeBSurg Award: ノミネーションの発表はもうすぐ!


The beginning of this month will see the nomination of 30 cutting-edge videos. The selected videos will be posted on websurg.com in the coming weeks to allow all our members direct access to them; viewers will be given the option of rating the videos.

Watch this space!

WeBSurg Award website

New exclusive content in N.O.T.E.S. for all EATS members and those to be!




Boost in EATS memberships!




1 New Lecture for NOTES: 

  • A new generation of flexible endoscope and instrumentation for advanced endoscopy and NOTES - L Swanström (USA)

New Videos for NOTES:

  • Hands-on hints: transgastric route
  • NOTES sigmoidectomy: a stepwise approach

Expert Opinions and Debates for NOTES:

B Dunkin (USA) and P Swain (UK), M Bessler (USA), A Wattiez (FR) and A Watrelot (FR), KH Fuchs (D), PO Park (S), C Thompson (USA), B Dallemagne (FR), J Marescaux (FR), R Zorron (BR), M Bailey (UK), L Swanström (USA), M Li (HK).

By becoming an EATS member, you will take full advantage of our exclusive NOTES content on www.eats.fr, as well as other membership rights.


Second International NOTES Hands-On Course
October 12-13, 2007

Option A
limited to 50 participants
Option B limited to 34 participants



Calendar for 2008 NOTES courses at IRCAD-EITS:

  • January 18-19, 2008 Only option A is available
  • March 28-29, 2008 Limited amount of space for both options
  • June 6-7, 2008
  • October 3-4, 2008

Please click here to download registration form.

CME Accreditation of NOTES courses

MAINCERT and AMA CME credits currently available for the 2007 NOTES course:

8 credits (option A)
24 credits (option B)

The European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME) also provides European CME credits for the 2007 NOTES course:

6 credits (option A)
12 credits (option B)



ご意見承っております。e-mail(info@eats.fr)またはwebmaster@websurg.com までよろしくお願いします。

Yours faithfully,

President of IRCAD/EITS
President of EATS

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Copyright © EATS® 2007 - All rights reserved